I’m guessing this song is new to most of you. It was introduced to our church a couple years ago by a friend of the composer, and we latched onto it right away.
Because it’s an ancient refrain that we all need to repeat over and over again.
Lord, have mercy upon us!
When all else is lost, and we know we have failed in every way, we remember who God is – in the fullness of the trinity: God the Father, our Creator; God the Son, our Redeemer; and God the Holy Spirit, our Sanctifier – and we seek his mercy, knowing that by his grace, we will receive it!
This song is really great to sing with kids, as the refrain is repeated so many times. Try using it during your time of confession this week.
The sheet music is available in our Free 2022 Lent Worship Guide!
O Lord, have mercy,
have mercy upon us.
O Lord, have mercy,
have mercy upon us.
Verse 1
O God the Father,
have mercy upon us;
Creator of Heaven and earth,
have mercy upon us.
Verse 2
O God the Son,
have mercy upon us;
Redeemer of the world,
have mercy upon us.
Verse 3
O God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy upon us;
Sanctifier of the faithful,
have mercy upon us.
Verse 4
Holy blessed and glorious Trinity, one God,
have mercy upon us.
Scripture Reference: Psalm 51:1
Text and music: Steve Williamson (2007)
Meter: Irregular
Copyright: ©2007 Steve Williamson