Christmas isn’t over yet-it lasts all the way until Epiphany on January 6!
Spend some time this week continuing to celebrate and reflect on this amazing child – Emmanuel – God with us. He is with us in the lowliest of places, and that is really good news.
Verse 1
Infant holy, infant lowly,
for his bed a cattle stall;
oxen lowing, little knowing
Christ the babe is Lord of all.
Swiftly winging angels singing,
bells are ringing, tidings bringing:
Christ the child is Lord of all!
Christ the child is Lord of all!
Verse 2
Flocks were sleeping, shepherds keeping
vigil till the morning new
saw the glory, heard the story,
tidings of a gospel true.
Thus rejoicing, free from sorrow,
praises voicing, greet the morrow:
Christ the child was born for you!
Christ the child was born for you!
Text: Traditional Polish Carol, translated by Edith M. G. Reed (1920)
Music: W ZLOBIE LEZY, Polish melody
Copyright: Public Domain
something Lovely
Here’s a beautiful arrangement of “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly,” sung by some friends of ours!
Lyric video
This is a simple, traditional version to sing along with.
New Version by Porter’s Gate
Porter’s Gate wrote some beautiful new verses for the traditional tune!