Spiritual Practices for Children: Examen

The Prayer of Examen has been used by Christians for a long time to help them refect on their days and learn to notice God in their days. This week, try to make space for the examen at the end of the day once or twice.

1. Make yourself comfortable and take a deep breath. Think back over your day. With younger children, you can actually talk through the day, recounting what you did, who you were with, etc.

2. Ask these questions: When today did you feel close to Jesus?

When did you feel connected to Jesus, others, and yourself?

When did you notice that things were good?

3. Thank Jesus for being with you. Thank him for the grace to notice his presence.

4. Ask these questions: Was there a time today when you felt far away from Jesus?

When did you feel disconnected from Jesus and others?

5. Is there something you want to say to Jesus about this time?

6. Think ahead to tomorrow. What are you planning to do?

What are you looking forward to? What are you worried about?

7. Share with Jesus what you are thinking and feeling about tomorrow.

8. End with the Lord’s Prayer or a song of blessing that your family enjoys.

This spiritual practice is from our Lent Worship Guide, Scorning Shame.

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