8.5″x11″ PDF download includes:
- Hymn Score – music in a lead sheet style (melody line and chords), matching the music in The Gospel Story Hymnal.
- Hymn Lyrics – one page with the entire song.
- Hymn History – beautiful histories, written by A Frank Voice, focusing on the authors and circumstances that prompted these hymns to be written.
- Bible Study – scripture passage(s) with theological commentary and study questions, corresponding to and expounding upon the 3-year plan in the hymnal.
- Worship & Response Prompts – wondering questions and creative prompts for ways to respond to the scripture and hymn.
- Music Lesson – short music theory lesson with suggested activities to practice what you’ve learned.
- Lyrics Copywork – Lined pages with the lyrics of every verse in print and cursive.
- Coloring Pages – coloring pages to go along with the hymn.
- Media Links – QR codes to watch Reawaken Hymns’ lyric videos of the hymn and visit our hymn of the week pages with additional resources.
Each study comes with a Self Study Packet (with everything in it), a Teacher Packet (with only the readings and questions), and a Student Packet (with the consumable question fill-in sheets, coloring pages, and lyrics copywork pages).
Watch for a new study each month!
Upcoming hymn studies will include:
- October: Doxology (Available here)
- November: Pass Me Not (Available here)
- December: O Little Town of Bethlehem (You’re here! Order to download now!)
- January: I Need Thee Every Hour (Available here)
- February: Take My Life and Let it Be (Available here)
- March: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- April: Jesus Paid it All
- May: Amazing Grace
- June: Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
- July: How Firm a Foundation
- August: Great is Thy Faithfulness
- September: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
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