The Law of God | Hymn of the Week

To Jesus we for refuge flee, who from the curse has set us free, and humbly worship at his throne, saved by his grace alone!

What do you think of when you hear “God’s Law”? The Ten Commandments, given by Moses on two stone tablets? A list of rules to keep, or things you should try to do?

In Psalm 19:8, David writes, “The rules of the Lord are right. They give joy to our hearts. The commands of the Lord shine brightly. They give light to our minds.”

That might seem like a strange thing to say about rules. But it’s true. If you’ve ever read the Ten Commandments (which you can find in Exodus 20), you know that you cannot keep those rules by yourself. The law of God helps us to see your sin and to understand just how much we need someone to save us.


The law of God is good and wise
and sets his will before our eyes,
shows us the way of righteousness,
and dooms to death when we transgress.

Its light of holiness imparts
the knowledge of our sinful hearts
that we may see our lost estate
tnd turn from sin before too late.

To those who help in Christ have found
and would in works of love abound
it shows what deeds are his delight
and should be done as good and right.

But those who scornfully disdain
God’s law shall then in sin remain;
its terror in their ear resounds
and keeps their wickedness in bounds.

The law is good, but since the fall
its holiness condemns us all;
it dooms us for our sin to die
and has no pow’r to justify.

To Jesus we for refuge flee,
who from the curse has set us free,
and humbly worship at his throne,
saved by his grace through faith alone.

Scripture: Psalm 19:8
Text: Matthias Loy (1863)
Music: ERHALT UNS, HERR, Klug’s Geistliche Lieder (1543)
Copyright: Public Domain


Lyric Video

Bible Project Video on the Law

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