Infant Holy, Infant Lowly | Advent Hymn of the Week

Infant holy, infant lowly, Heaven's highest love come down

Jesus is infinitely powerful, holy, and glorious, but he became one of the lowliest people in the world–a baby born to poor parents.

This song reminds us that Jesus’ love for us is so deep that he made himself like us in our weakness so that one day, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be made like him.

Imagine what it was like for Jesus to live his life as a baby, a toddler, a young child, a teenager, and an adult. He did not get to skip the boring or painful parts of life, just because he is God. Jesus knows what it means to be a human being and to live on the earth. He understands how it feels to be weak and powerless, to need help, and to depend on others for what you need.

How does it feel to know that Jesus knows what it is like to be human?


Infant holy, infant lowly, Heaven’s highest love come down
For the poor you left your glory and you laid aside your crown
Weak and helpless, here you slumber in a stable with your mother

As the shepherds gather ’round
Do they know you’ve left your crown

Infant holy, infant lowly, you who once held Heaven’s power
Now you lie here, cold and hungry in the silent midnight hour
With your parents wrapped in worry, still exhausted from their journey

You were helpless in that hour
Yet you set aside your power

Infant holy, infant lowly, king of kings and lord of lords
You have come to us with nothing, as the poorest of the poor
So we come to you in wonder, see you helpless as you slumber

And we lay our gifts before
Christ the Savior, weak and poor

Scripture: John 1:6-18
Text: Kate Bluett, Isaac Wardell, and Paul Zach
Music: W ZLOBIE LEZY, Polish melody
Copyright: ©2021 Integrity’s Alleluia! Music (SESAC), Paul Zach Publishing (SESAC), PG Songs and Hymns (ASCAP), Kate Bluett Music (ASCAP) (all adm at Used by permission.


The Porters Gate Video

additional resources

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly

Check out our previous blog post on the traditional version of this hymn!


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Word & Wonder exists to help families grow in the truth of God's word and the wonder of his love.

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