All that God has made shows us truths about him, about his power and his glory. The Psalms say that creation is a message telling us how great God is. Every time we experience something God created, we have a chance to look up, to experience God. When we are surrounded by God’s creation, are our eyes and ears open to sense what God is speaking through the things that he made?
This is my Father’s world,
and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and ‘round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas –
His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father’s world.
The birds their carols raise.
The morning light, the lily white
declare their maker’s praise.
This is my Father’s world.
He shines in all that’s fair.
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass.
He speaks to me everywhere.
This is my Father’s world.
Oh, let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world.
The battle is not done;
Jesus, who died, shall be satisfied,
And earth and Heav’n be one.
Text: Maltbie D. Babcock (1901)
Music: TERRA BEATA, English folk melody, adapt. Franklin L. Sheppard (1915)
Meter: D
Copyright: Public Domain